Another cute pose with nice heels! youre the best at those ^^
Another cute pose with nice heels! youre the best at those ^^
I love so much about this. The expression is super nice (lip biting is so hard to daraw, at least for me.) Her bent over pose with correct looking heels is what i love most, and makes me proud to follow you (ive always loved how you draw heels.) The psoe itself is jsut peeerfect~! Both arms, the leg and her eyes so unff. ^^
Oof, seeing her in uniform with that expression and those cuffs make me think of naughty things. This is great work! :D
Nice combo here! I like both, so seeing them as one is great! The plump lips is nice :3
Thank you very much ^^
This is a sight to behold, thanks for making this!
No problem (:
Saw this on twitter, but she is just as lovely here! 5 star work all around! I love the pose, the expression, the details you put into the outfit, all of it! As Veran's cult leader, I can safely say this is one of the best Veran pics out there, and I am thrilled to have this as part of my collection.
I left you a thing on DA already for this one but I will here too :3 I adore the level of detail you put into each and every one of her forms! I have been meaning to ask if you sell prints of this, and if so, I want one >:D If not I plan on printing it out on boring old printer paper to adorn my Veran wall(s.) You did a great job with this and keep up the great work!
This is one of the absolute BEST renders of Veran I have ever seen! Most people just do the same pose that her official art has, to to go and do a leg twist sexy laid back pose like this REALLY impresses me! Coming from her self proclaimed #1 fan, I would say you perfectly captured her dark and sinister aura as well as her seductive will. Absolutely fantastic and well done. If you ever sell this as a print I will totally purchase it. I want this on my wall for sure one way or another ;3;b
I make porns. Thanks for coming.
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Joined on 9/24/17